
   2016-03-03 网络18600
核心提示:2016年2月23日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Scientific Reports》在线发表湖北工业大学汤亚杰课题组发表的关于脱巯基酶研究进展文章。汤亚杰课题组贾开志副教授为论文第一作者,汤亚杰研究员为论文通讯作者。
 期刊名:Scientific Reports日期:2016-02-29
DOI:10.1038/srep21920 中国科研用户发表 作者:汤亚杰
2016年2月23日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Scientific Reports》在线发表湖北工业大学汤亚杰课题组发表的关于脱巯基酶研究进展文章。汤亚杰课题组贾开志副教授为论文第一作者,汤亚杰研究员为论文通讯作者。
Eukaryote-derived methioninase, catalyzing the one-step degradation of methionine (Met) to methanethiol (MTL), has received much attention for its low immunogenic potential and use as a therapeutic agent against Met-dependent tumors. Although biological and chemical degradation pathways for Met-MTL conversion are proposed, the concrete molecular mechanism for Met-MTL conversion in eukaryotes is still unclear. Previous studies demonstrated that α-keto-methylthiobutyric acid (KMBA), the intermediate for Met-MTL conversion, was located extracellularly and the demethiolase STR3 possessed no activities towards Met, which rule out the possibility of intracellular Met-MTL conversion pathway inside eukaryotes. We report here that degradation of Met resulted in intracellular accumulation of KMBA in Clonostachys rosea. Addition of Met to culture media led to the production of MTL and downregulation of STR3, while incubation of Met with surrogate substrate α-ketoglutaric acid enhanced the synthesis of MTL and triggered the upregulation of STR3. Subsequent biochemical analysis with recombinant STR3 showed that STR3 directly converted both Met and its transamination product KMBA to MTL. These results indicated that STR3 as rate-limiting enzyme degrades Met and KMBA into MTL. Our findings suggest STR3 is a potential target for therapeutic agents against Met-dependent tumors and aging.
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