微生物资源前期开发国家重点实验室副主任 马延和 博士 研究员

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核心提示:极端环境微生物的认识与利用研究组 组长:马延和 博士 研究员 微生物资源前期开发国家重点实验室副主任 电话:010-64807590 Email: mayanhe@im.ac.cn 研究领域: 本课题组研究方向为极端微生物的认识与利用。从资源发掘、机制研究到应用开发,系统进行极端微生物这一重要遗传资源的认识、保护、开发和持续利用,主要包括三个方面:极端环境的微生物区系生态与生物多样性,极端微生物生理机制及分子基础,极端微生物功能与产物的生物技术利用。 目前开展的研究工作包括: (1)极端微生物的生物多样
极端环境微生物的认识与利用研究组 组长:马延和 博士 研究员 微生物资源前期开发国家重点实验室副主任 电话:010-64807590 Email: mayanhe@im.ac.cn 研究领域: 本课题组研究方向为极端微生物的认识与利用。从资源发掘、机制研究到应用开发,系统进行极端微生物这一重要遗传资源的认识、保护、开发和持续利用,主要包括三个方面:极端环境的微生物区系生态与生物多样性,极端微生物生理机制及分子基础,极端微生物功能与产物的生物技术利用。 目前开展的研究工作包括: (1)极端微生物的生物多样性及系统发育学分析。通过对我国内蒙古和西藏地区盐碱湖、腾冲和西藏地区热泉以及青海盐湖钻探等极端环境进行系统的极端微生物物种及基因分析,建立一定规模的极端微生物菌种库与基因数据库;同时筛选鉴定具有应用潜力的极端微生物。 (2)极端酶的发现与分子改造。通过从极端环境样品直接发掘新型极端酶和利用基因改造技术获得突变酶,建立多样性的极端酶库,实现在能源开发、洗涤剂等方面的应用。 (3)极端酶的结构与功能。以碱性甘露聚糖酶、嗜酸热甘露聚糖酶、嗜盐酯酶及高温葡萄糖苷酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶为模型,解析极端酶的嗜极机理、结构与功能关系。 (4)嗜碱微生物嗜碱机理。以专性嗜碱菌(Alkalimonas amylolytica)为模型,通过差异表达和功能互补分析鉴定耐盐碱基因,阐明嗜碱菌的嗜碱生理机制。 近年来,承担了多项国家"973"计划、"863"计划、国家科技攻关计划、中科院创新重要方向、国际合作重点项目、欧盟第五框架计划等项目。已发表论文40余篇,其中在Journal of Bacteriology、Extremophiles、Microbiology、IJSEM等SCI收录的刊物上发表论文30余篇。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 实验室成员: 课题组长 马延和,博士、研究员、博士生导师。 主要履历: 1979-1983 南开大学, 生物系微生物学专业,学士 2001-2004 江南大学,生物工程专业,博士 1983- 中国科学院微生物研究所任职, 1991-1992 西班牙 Alicante 大学,访问学者 2001 英国 Leicester大学,访问学者 1999- 中国科学院微生物研究所,研究员 2000-2005 中科院微生物所,生物技术中心副主任 2005- 中科院微生物所,所长助理 2005-2007 中科院微生物所,能源与工业生物技术中心常务副主任 2005- 中科院微生物所,极端环境微生物中心主任 2007- 中科院微生物所,微生物资源前期开发国家重点实验室副主任 中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究与发展中心(筹)筹建组组长 学术兼职: 国际嗜盐微生物委员会委员 北京市微生物学会副理事长 中国生物工程学会副秘书长 糖生物工程专业委员会副主任 "生物加工过程"杂志副主编 国家"863"计划生物医药领域专家 获得荣誉: 2000年度国家科学技术发明二等奖及中国科学院发明二等奖 "九五"国家重点攻关计划全国先进个人 中国科学院第六届十大杰出青年 副研究员 薛燕芬 硕士 助理研究员 曾 艳 硕士 博士后 鞠建松,李金山,张桂敏 博士生 周 成,张跃灵,王全会,赵月菊,李 刚,郭永豪,梁朝宁,郑迎迎,王晓伟,饶 朗 硕士生 胡凌飞,郝建国,宋亚囝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 代表性图片 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最近发表论文 Ju, Jiansong; Qi, Jianxun; Xu, Shujing; Ohnishi, Kouhei; Benedik, Michael J.; Xue, Yanfen; Ma, Yanhe* (2009). "Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of alkaline alanine racemase from Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4." Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 65: 166-168. (IF 0.645) Xiao, Y.; Zeng, G. M.; Yang, Z. H.; Liu, Y. Sh.; Ma, Y. H.; Yang, L.; Wang, R. J.; Xu, Zh Y. (2009). Coexistence of nitrifiers, denitrifiers and Anammox bacteria in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Applied Microbiology 106(2): 496-505. PDF (IF 2.501) Quanhui Wang, Huiming Han, Yanfen Xue, Zhong Qian, Bo Meng, Fuli Peng, Zhuowei Wang, Wei Tong, Chuanqi Zhou, Qian Wang, Yonghao Guo, Gang Li, Siqi Liu* and Yanhe Ma*. (2009). Exploring membrane and cytoplasm proteomic responses of Alkalimonas Amylolytica N10 to different external pHs with combination strategy of de novo peptide sequencing. Proteomics. 9(5):1254-1273 PDF (IF 5.479) Yueling Zhang, Jiansong Ju, Hao Peng, Feng Gao, Cheng Zhou, Yan Zeng, Yanfen Xue, Yin Li, Bernard Henrissat, George F. Gao, Yanhe Ma* 2008. Biochemical and structural characterization of the intracellular mannanase AaManA of Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius reveals a novel glycoside hydrolase family belonging to clan GH-A. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. (In print) (IF 5.581) Quanhui Wang, Huiming Han, Yanfen Xue, Zhong Qian, Bo Meng, Fuli Peng, Zhuowei Wang, Wei Tong, Chuanqi Zhou, Qian Wang, Yonghao Guo, Gang Li, Siqi Liu* and Yanhe Ma*. 2008. Exploring membrane and cytoplasm proteomic responses of Alkalimonas Amylolytica N10 to different external pHs with combination strategy of de novo peptide sequencing. Proteomics. (In press) (IF 5.479) Yanfen Xue, A. Ventosa, Xiaowei Wang, Peigen Ren, Peijin Zhou and Yanhe Ma*, 2008, Bacillus aidingensis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from Ai-Ding Salt Lake in China, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58: 2828-2832 (IF 2.384) Xiaowei Wang, Yanfen Xue, Sanqing Yuan, Cheng Zhou and Yanhe Ma*, 2008, Salinicoccus halodurans sp. nov., a moderate halophile from saline soil in China, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58:1437-41 PDF (IF 2.384) Xiaowei Wang, Yanfen Xue, Yanhe Ma*, et al., 2009, Sediminibacillus albus sp nov., a moderately halophilic Gram-positive bacterium isolated from a hypersaline lake and emended description of the genus Sediminibacillus, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology revised (IF 2.384) Lingfei Hu, Hailian Pan, Yanfen Xue, A. Ventosa, D. A. Cowan, B. E. Jones, W. D. Grant, and Yanhe Ma*, 2008, Halorubrum luteum sp. nov., isolated from Lake Chagannor, Inner Mongolia, China, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58: 1705-1708 PDF (IF 2.384) Xiuping He, Nan Liu, Weiwei Li, Zhengying Zhang, Borun Zhang*, Yanhe Ma. 2008. Inducible and constitutive expression of a novel thermostable alkaline b-mannanase from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16 -5 in Pichia pastoris and characterization of the recombinant enzyme. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 43:13–18 PDF (IF 1.969) Jiansong Ju, Shujing Xu, Jianxin Wen, Gang Li, Kouhei Ohnishi, Yanfen Xue, and Yanhe Ma*, 2008, Characterization of Endogenous Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate-Dependent Alanine Racemase from Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4. Journal of Bioscience Bioengineering (accepted) (IF 1.782) Yueling Zhang, Feng Gao, Yanfen Xue, Yan Zeng, Hao Peng, Jianxun Qi and Yanhe Ma*. 2008. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of a mannanase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius T c-12-31.Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, F64, 209-212. PDF (IF 0.645) Yueju Zhao, Yunhua Zhang, Feng Gao, Yanfen Xue, Yan Zeng and Yanhe Ma*,2008, Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of β-1,4-mannanase, BaManA, from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16-5, Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 64, 957-959 (IF 0.645) Jingqiang Wang, Caifeng Zhao, Bo Meng, Junhua Xie, Chuanqi Zhou, Xishu Chen, Kang Zhao, Jianmin Shao, Yanfen Xue, Ningzhi Xu, Yanhe Ma*, Siqi Liu*. (2007) The proteomic alterations of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis cultured at different temperatures. Proteomics 7:1409-19 Yi Wei, Jun Liu, Yanhe Ma and Terry A. Krulwich (2007) Three putative cation/proton antiporters from the soda lake alkaliphile Alkalimonas amylolytica N10 complement an alkali-sensitive Escherichia coli mutant. Microbiology 153: 2168-2179 Nan Wang, Yunhua Zhang, Quanhui Wang, Jun Liu, Honglei Wang, Yanfen Xue and Yanhe Ma (2006) Gene cloning and characterization of a novel α-amylase from alkaliphilic Alkalimonas amylolytica. Biotechnology Journal 1:1258–1265 Grant S, Grant WD, Cowan DA, Jones BE, Ma Y, Ventosa A, Heaphy S. (2006) Identification of eukaryotic open reading frames in metagenomic cDNA libraries made from environmental samples. Appl Environ Microbiol 72(1): 135-43. Yanfen Xue, Xinqi Zhang, Cheng Zhou, Don A. Cowan , Shaun Heaphy, William D. Grant, Brian E. Jones, Antonio Ventosa , and Yanhe Ma (2006) Caldalkalibacillus thermarum gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel alkalithermophilic bacterium from a hot spring in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 56: 1217-1221 A. M. Castillo, M. C. Gutiérrez, M. Kamekura, Y. Xue, Y. Ma, D. A. Cowan, B. E. Jones, W. D. Grant and A. Ventosa (2006) Halostagnicola larsenii gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a saline lake in Inner Mongolia, China. Int J Systc Evol Microbiol 56: 1519-1524 Jun Liu, Yanfen Xue, Quanhui Wang, Yi Wei, Talia H. Swartz, David B. Hicks,Masahiro Ito, Yanhe Ma, Terry A.Krulwich (2005) The Activity Profile of the NhaD-Type Na+(Li+)/H+ Antiporter from the Soda Lake Haloalkaliphile Alkalimonas amylolytica Is Adaptive for the Extreme Environment. Journal of Bacteriology 187: 7589-7595 Yanfen Xue, Huapeng Fan, A. Ventosa, D. A. Cowan, B. E. Jones, W. D. Grant, Yanhe Ma.(2005) Halalkalicoccus tibetensis gen. nov., sp. nov. a novel genus of haloalkaliphilic archaeon. Int J Systc Evol Microbiol 55:2501-5. Yanhe Ma, Yanfen Xue, Yuetan Dou, Zhenghong Xu, Wenyi Tao and Peijin Zhou(2004) Characterization and gene cloning of a novel β-mannanase from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16-5. Extremophiles 8:447-454 Yanhe Ma, Weizhou Zhang, Yanfen Xue, Peijin Zhou, Antonio Ventosa, William D. Grant (2004) Bacterial diversity of the Inner Mongolian Baer Soda Lake as revealed by 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses. Extremophiles 8:45-51 Yanhe Ma, Yanfen Xue, Willam D. Grant, Nadine C. Collins, Andrew W. Duckworth, Robert P.van Steenbergen, Vrian E. Jones (2004) Alkalimonas amylolyticagen. nov., sp. nov.,and Alkalimonas delamerensisgen. nov., sp. nov., novel alkaliphilic bacteria from soda lakes in China and East Africa. Extremophiles 8:193-200 Jingqiang Wang, Yanfen Xue, Xiaolei Li, Hao Wang, Wei Li, Caifeng Zhao, Xiaojie Cheng, Yanhe Ma,Peijin Zhou, Jianming Yin, Aruni Bhatnagar, Rong Wang, Siqi Liu (2004) An analysis of the protemomic profile for Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis under optimal culture conditions. Proteomics 4:136-150 Huapeng Fan, Yanfen Xue, Yanhe Ma, Antonio Ventosa and William D. Grant (2004) Halorubrum tibetense sp.nov., a novel haloalkaliphilic archaeon from Lake Zabuye in Tibet,China. Int J Systc Evol Microbiol 54 :1213-1216
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