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饲用酶制剂正值风口 帝斯曼-诺维信发力中国市场

   日期:2018-12-17     来源:农牧前沿    浏览:1258    
核心提示: 饲料酶制剂的市场有多大?看看生产厂家的展台就知道,在畜牧业博览会上,酶制剂展区一家比一家漂亮精美;饲料酶制剂有多热门?看看参加饲用酶制剂论坛的人就知道,8点钟开始的论坛,7点半时前半场的座位就已经坐满了。中国是传统的畜禽养殖与水产养殖大国,其饲用酶制剂市场潜力巨大。在饲用酶制剂已经深耕多年跻身成为全球第一饲用酶制剂帝斯曼-诺维信饲用酶制剂联盟自然也不想失去中国这么欣欣向荣的市场。
  China feed enzyme market are booming in recently two years with many strong local companies, while international companies like the DSM/Novozymes Alliance (Alliance) will not give up on this big potential. Do they have any chance?
  文/图 农牧前沿 罗丹
  How big is the China feed enzyme market? You can tell by watching enzyme companies’ amazing booth in feed expos. How hot is the China feed enzyme market? You can tell by counting how many attendees in feed enzyme conference. China is a traditional big livestock and aqua production country with a great potential on feed enzyme. Not a surprise, the global feed enzyme leader Alliance do not like to lose China feed enzyme market with such potential.
  The Alliance was found on 1998 with exclusive collaboration between two leading companies in their own area. Novozymes are focusing on enzyme R&D and production optimization, while DSM are focusing on product application, sales and direct customer facing activities.

  图左:诺维信丹麦饲料应用与科学支持部门高级科学家Mads Brøgger Pedersen
  图右:联盟总监Robert Vergo
  2018年下半年联盟调整了战略,组建专门的团队开拓中国市场。10月,联盟总监Robert Vergo及诺维信丹麦饲料应用与科学支持部门高级科学家Mads Brøgger Pedersen以帝斯曼-诺维信饲料酶制剂联盟的身份出席了第二届饲用酶制剂科技与产业发展大会。
  The Alliance made a strategical adjustment and built a dedicated team to developing China feed enzyme market in late 2018. Both Robert Vergo (Robert), the Director of Alliance, and Mads Brøgger Pedersen (Mads), the Sr. Scientist of Novozymes Feed Application, attended 2nd China Feed Enzyme and Technology Conference on behalf of the Alliance.
  为何帝斯曼-诺维信饲用酶制剂销量能做到全球第一?如何看待酶制剂在无抗替代中的作用?国外饲用酶制剂有何新的研发方向?围绕这些问题,农牧前沿在会前对Robert Vergo及Mads进行了专访。
  Why are the Alliance the top one feed enzyme company in the world? How do they see the position of enzyme in anti-biotic free production system? What is the future direction of global feed enzyme R&D? The Agriculture Frontier interviewed Robert and Mads before the conference for above questions.
  帝斯曼-诺维信饲用酶制剂联盟在全球饲用酶制剂的份额为28-30%,遥遥领先于第二名。为何联盟饲用酶制剂市场占有率能做到全球第一,Robert和Mads两位都反复提到了研发。据Robert介绍,诺维信的研发分为2部分,一部分是基础研发,它不针对行业,只是进行最基础的研发创新;第二部分是Mads所在的应用研发部门,是一个比较大的研发部门,Mads主要工作是为饲用酶制剂行业进行筛选。“我们研发从基础到应用都涵盖。” Robert表示。
  The Alliance holds 28-30% market share of global feed enzyme industry and far above other companies. Why are the Alliance the top one feed enzyme company in the world? Both Robert and Mads were mentioned about R&D capacity. Robert mentioned about that Novozymes R&D is dividing by two parts: the 1st part is basic R&D which is not specific for any industry; the 2nd part is application R&D which Mads located. The major responsibility of Mads is to screen specialized enzyme for feed industry. “We have covered from basic to application R&D”, Robert mentioned.
  诺维信的研发有多强?首先在研发资金投入上,诺维信把每年营业额13-14%投入到研发中;其次在公司员工组成上,6500人的全球总人数,其研发团队人员有1400人,占比达20%以上。如此多的人员与资金的投入,使得联盟一直保持着饲用酶制剂领导者的地位。“这也是我们能持续注入新的产品,提供新的生物解决方案的根本原因。” Robert说。值得一提的是,诺维信早在1997年就于中国成立了研发中心,涉及新酶筛选,行业应用,扩展至产品优化、法规、知识产权等10个业务部门,现有科研人员超过150名。
  How strong is Novozymes R&D? First, Novozymes are dedicating 13-14% of total revenue to R&D. Second, Novozymes has 6500 employees in total with 1400 R&D employees which is more than 20%. That is why the Alliance can keep leading the global feed enzymes industry. “That is why we can keep developing new products and providing new biological solution to our customers”, Robert said. It is worth mentioning that Novozymes was established their China R&D center in 1997, which involves to new enzyme selection, industrial application, production optimization, etc. This R&D center has more than 150 scientists now. They are making the Alliance stronger within China by expanding their team with the best local scientists.
  当我们再深入了解诺维信的研发流程,才知道他们到底强在哪里。“诺维信不像竞争对手是从几百种微生物里筛选酶,诺维信是从几百万种微生物里筛选。先经过特定条件筛选出一批,再经过应用条件筛选一批,然后经过动物条件筛选一批,最后就产生一种产品。” Mads介绍说,在这个过程中,也正是因为诺维信强大地研发实力能够让他们做到从几百万微生物中进行筛选,才能让酶制剂产品既拥有最优表现性能,也能在扩繁过程中达到最佳经济效益。“除去酶的筛选,我们还有最好的科学家从事蛋白质工程,能对筛选出来的酶进行改造,在有最好酶的基础上再做一些升级。” Mads补充道。
  We can consider their R&D process and know how strong is the Novozymes R&D. “Not like other competitors who are selecting their enzyme from few hundred microbials, we are selecting enzyme from millions microbials. We started our selection under certain conditions. Then we are keeping section under feed industry condition. The final step of selection is animal trials.” Introduced by Mads. During this process, they can screen and select target microbial with best production economy and enzyme product from millions of options. “Other than enzyme selection, we have the best scientist for protein engineering who can do further upgrade for our enzyme”, Mads said.
  In addition, DSM will use their top three global animal nutrition and health R&D centers (France, China, U.S.) to do application R&D which focusing on feed and livestock in order to find different solution on different diets and raising conditions. The DSM China R&D center was founded in 2014 and ready to offer varies local solutions to the customers in China.

  从左往右:Robert Vergo、Mads、中国区负责人罗朝晖、郭博士、农牧前沿罗丹
  Value of Enzymes
  Without a doubt, The Alliance feed enzyme is remarkable. They have already made significant progress in Europe, Africa, The Middle East, Latin America. However, they are looking for opportunity in China, the fast-growing market for feed enzyme.
  横亘于联盟面前的第一道难题就是价格。国内同类酶制剂价格比国外厂家价格普遍都低,如何让面临巨大成本压力的饲料厂来选择价格更高的产品?Robert坦言:“我们一直定义价值!” Robert认为价值可以被多方面来定义,价格只是其中一方面。价值可以从联盟研发筛选最好的酶、到对酶质量的保证、表现性能、产品批次稳定性、使用效果等,包括积累非常多的动物实验等。“使用我们产品的投入产出比是最好的,所以我们一直强调价值,而不是简单价格比较。”Robert强调。
  The first challenge is the price. Local companies can offer feed enzyme with relative low price. How to convince feed mills with cost pressure to choose high price enzyme product? Robert said, “We are always defining value!” He believes that the value can be defined by many areas, the price is only one of them. The value of Alliance can be seen from microbial screening, quality assurance, batch stability and enzyme performance, as well as animal trial. “Our product has the best return on investment. So, we are always focusing on value, rather than price comparison.” Robert emphasized.
  “高品质的产品与卓越性能是我们价格的原因,但我们绝不是贬低竞争对手质量差。从世界市场份额来看,我们的市场份额世界最高,大部分国家的厂商还是选择我们的产品。一方面我们对产品价值非常自信;另一方面价格高也是我们产品为市场带来的价值。” Robert解释说,全球范围内价格的压力都有,是因为越来越多的客户想明白不是单纯比较每公斤酶的价格高低,而是算每吨饲料投入1美金酶能得到相应多少美金的收入。
  “The high quality, performance and standards is the reason for our price levels. But we are not saying that our competitors have low quality. We are very confident and have the highest market share in the global feed enzyme industry because of the high value we can provide to our customer.” Robert explained. There is always price pressure in the global feed enzyme industry. But more and more customers are understanding that they should compare how much more money they can earn by investing one dollar in their feed, rather than focusing on how much money for every kg of enzyme.
  Improvement rather than replacement
  Antibiotic free production system is a very hot topic in China feed and livestock industry. Is there any advanced experience in other countries we can use for China?
  对此,Mads表示,从饲料添加剂这个版块来说,联盟是饲料添加剂公司,而非兽药公司,所以他们不能说完全替代抗生素作为药物去添加,只能说去改善相应的效果。“不可能说是替代。” Mads强调。
  Mads mentioned that the Alliance is feed additives company, rather than veterinary medicine company. So, they cannot claim to totally replace antibiotics by using feed additives. They can only provide solution to improve the condition. “Total replacement cannot be claimed”, Mads emphasized.
  When talking about many promotions with regarding to antibiotic free in China, Mads believes that any commercial promotion is easy to do, but the Alliance is science based company. Feed additives is small part of antibiotic free production system. It should combine with farm management, veterinary medicine, and many other areas. He believes there is one day that we can realize real antibiotic free production system. “But feed additives are a small part of it”.
  Additionally, Robert believes that antibiotic is not only a feed producers’ issue, but also a global issue. It need collaboration and support from government.
标签: 酶制剂

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