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【英文篇名】 Application of transgluaminase to remedy of wool damage
【作者中文名】 张瑞萍; 蔡再生;
【作者英文名】 ZHANG Ruiping~(1; 2); CAI Zaisheng~1 (1.College of Chemistry; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Donghua University; Shanghai 201620; China; 2.Che

【英文篇名】 Application of transgluaminase to remedy of wool damage
【作者中文名】 张瑞萍; 蔡再生;
【作者英文名】 ZHANG Ruiping~(1; 2); CAI Zaisheng~1 (1.College of Chemistry; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Donghua University; Shanghai 201620; China; 2.Chemistry and Chemical Engineering College; Nantong University; Nantong; Jiangsu 226007; China);
【作者单位】 东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院; 南通大学化学化工学院;
【文献出处】 纺织学报, Journal of Textile Research, 编辑部邮箱 2009年 01期
期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 羊毛; 蛋白酶; TG酶; 抗毡缩; 修复;
【英文关键词】 wool; protease; TG enzyme; anti-felting; remediation;
【摘要】 为了减少羊毛蛋白酶防毡缩造成的损伤,应用TG酶对羊毛织物进行整理,研究TG酶对羊毛损伤的修复作用。结果表明:TG酶可以修复化学预处理和蛋白酶防毡缩处理对羊毛造成的损伤,使羊毛织物强力增加,碱溶度下降;TG酶可以催化羊毛纤维蛋白质分子内的交联。羊毛的蛋白酶/TG酶联合防毡缩的最佳工艺为:蛋白酶Sav用量1%(o.w.f),蛋白酶Sav作用时间30 min,pH值8~9;TG酶用量2%(o.w.f),TG酶作用时间50 min,pH值6~7;浴比均为20∶1,温度均为50℃,该工艺处理后羊毛织物的毡缩率为2.93%,强力为380.4 N,强力损失率控制在7.4%。
【英文摘要】 Wool fabrics were finished with TG enzyme in order to decrease the damage of wool resulting from anti-felting treatment with protease.The remedy effect of TG enzyme to the damage of wool was studied.It was shown that TG enzyme can remedy the damage of wool caused by chemical pre-treatment and protease anti-felting finishing,increasing wool fabric strength and decreasing the alkali solubility.TG was capable of catalyzing covalent crosslinking of wool proteins.The optimum protease/TG anti-felting finishing co...
【基金】 江苏省科技攻关重大项目(BE2006347);; 南通大学自然科学项目(07Z023)
【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:FZXB.0.2009-01-017

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