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【英文篇名】 Study on the kinetics of cellulase production by solid-state fermentation
【作者中文名】 郝俊斌; 周玉杰; 张建安; 王欣昌; 戴玲妹; 刘德华;
【作者英文名】 HAO Jun-bin1; ZHOU Yu-jie1; ZHANG Jian-an1; WANG Xin-chang1; DAI Ling-mei2; LIU De-hua2(1.Institute of Nuclear an

【英文篇名】 Study on the kinetics of cellulase production by solid-state fermentation
【作者中文名】 郝俊斌; 周玉杰; 张建安; 王欣昌; 戴玲妹; 刘德华;
【作者英文名】 HAO Jun-bin1; ZHOU Yu-jie1; ZHANG Jian-an1; WANG Xin-chang1; DAI Ling-mei2; LIU De-hua2(1.Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; 2.Department of Chemical Engineering; China);
【作者单位】 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院; 清华大学化学工程系;
【文献出处】 可再生能源, Renewable Energy Resources, 编辑部邮箱 2009年 01期
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 固态发酵; 纤维素酶; 氨基葡萄糖; 动力学;
【英文关键词】 solid-state fermentation; cellulase; glucosamine; kinetics;
【摘要】 以稻壳和麸皮混合物为基质,进行纤维素酶固态发酵动力学的研究。以氨基葡萄糖含量表征生物量,建立了纤维素酶固态发酵过程中细胞生长、产酶和二氧化碳释放速率动力学模型,并得到模型参数。动力学分析结果表明,在不同培养温度和基质配比下,最大菌体量与最大酶活呈正相关;在适宜培养温度下,预期最大酶活与最大CO2释放速率也呈一定的正相关关系。
【英文摘要】 In this paper,kinetics of cellulase production by solid-state fermentation was studied using the mixture of rice husk and wheat bran as substrates.With measured glucosamine for biomass estimation,models for microorganism growth,cellulase(Filter Paper Activity,FPA) pro-duction and carbon dioxide production rate(CPR) were proposed and the model parameters were fitted.Positive correlation was shown between the maximum FPA and the maximum glucosamine,which was also found between the maximum CPR and the anticipa...
【基金】 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目(2004CB719703);; 国家自然科学基金项目(20706033)
【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:NCNY.0.2009-01-006

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